Best Dentist Day Ever!

I had a great day πŸ™‚ Weirdly enough, it was a dentist day, which is NOT something I look forward to. Brady stayed home with the kids and I took Stella out, heat working and all!, to the city for the day. I left quite early since I haven’t done much driving yet this winter and was unsure of how the highways would be. I got to the city way too early, so I made a stop first.

I went to City Hospital and bought what could possibly be our last box of patches. We won’t know for sure until after his surgery, but that will happen in just over a month! Crazy. I’d love to not have to be in that hospital quite as regularly.

I made it to the dental office over a half hour early!!! I did a little bit of emailing and headed upstairs. Luckily, my hygienist came to get me early! I’m a bad patient, and usually end up booking a second appointment to finish the cleaning, so it was great to get in early. I’ve booked specifically with the same hygienist the last few times, because she doesn’t just gouge me like some tend to do. Anyway, she remembered me, and we had a little visit before the work began. She was so gentle and apologetic (even though the pain was indirectly my fault), yet she worked nice and quick and actually finished my cleaning in our allotted time, plus those extra fifteen minutes we got. My checkup was also successful. I had been having a bit of sensitivity but have no cavity!!! What a relief! I was optimistic when I left.

Instead of going home right away, I hit Superstore for a few small groceries and came out with everything I needed plus two new shirts πŸ™‚ This was the part where I realized I still had leftover money from my last shopping day, so I broke it out. And hit the mall.

I don’t know if others find this, but I have been so blessed by people today. Customers insisting I go ahead of them in line, and even paying less! For instance, today I bought a hoodie that was on sale for $20. I hemmed and hawed over it for a while, since I had already bought a hoodie. But a woman saleswoman pointed out that it was an additional 30% off. I was excited about that, of course, and figured I could justify the sweater for $14. And then at the till, I was only charged $10! Believe it or not, this was not the first time this has happened in the recent past. So crazy! But its also really fun to get to the till and to be charged less than you were bargaining for πŸ™‚ Love it!

I made it home safe, despite the fog and slightly icy highway. I was greeted by my husband, my happy boy who missed me, and my noisy, squawking daughter. The perfect welcome wagon.

Both kidlets are in bed now, and I’m about to hit the tub. I feel like I was on an adrenaline rush all day, and now that I’m coming down from it, I’m completely freezing. The bath should really hit the spot.

Sleep well, all!