Best. Shopping day. Ever.

Today was the best. I loved it. Often trips to the city are filled with errands, which is necessary and not a huge deal. My least favorite kind of trip is the kind when I need to go to about fifteen different places and at each place, I need one thing. I get so tired and frustrated dragging Dekker and his stroller in and out of each store, with him getting progressively fussier until we become those people who you don’t want to be stuck in the check out line with. Today was not that day.

We went straight to the farmers market for apples. I mentioned a while ago that I wanted to try a new method to make apple juice. I was tossed up on what kind of apples to use, but when I found sunrise apples straight from the Okanogan, I jumped! I went to the scale/register with four huge bags where they informed me that if I wanted a case of about 20 lbs, it was way cheaper. So instead of having 20 lbs in bags for $30, we put them in a box and paid $22. Win! High five for the honest checkout guy. *high fives the air* To my dismay, all the pickling cucumbers were sold out. I was really looking forward to making pickles this year but they were the first thing in my garden to completely bite the dust. But I was way too happy with my apples to be too let down.

From there we went to the mall where I cashed in my six empty makeup containers at MAC for a free lipstick. Someone working there had once recommended a color to me, but when I went back one day to ask to try it on, a different woman was adamant that I shouldn’t wear such a color. Turns out it looks awesome! I was very happy with it, and purchased an eye shadow as well. Believe it or not, if that wasn’t enough estrogen for one day, I went to Sephora and picked up a blush. Then to a clothing store where I had some credit stored up. I promised a friend I’d buy a fall outfit if she did. I purchased a grey v-neck sweater dress, black leggings, and sexy black over-the-knee boots. I am sooo happy with my finds!

We hit Superstore next for groceries, and Costco last just for milk and chicken strips. We drove home through my parents hometown and brought my dad and apple and a had a quick chat before we drove home. Now, Dekker’s in bed and we’re only now getting to supper.

I know no one really cares about my purchases, but rarely do I have a day in the city where I don’t feel completely bedraggled at the end. It was a complete success! I couldn’t be happier!

Now for mashed potatoes and chicken strips! At 9:00pm. In the bathtub. No judging…