
My bestie, Jessica, is out for the weekend! We met at the airport early this morning. Its been months since I’ve seen her, so it was about time! I asked if I could quickly drag her through Costco before taking her to our house, and so began our four hour trip home. But first, coffee from the airport.

Not only did we hit up Costco for an enormous shop including diapers, groceries, and a few cute zipper hoodies, but we backtracked to Walmart for a few other things, spent way too much time in the makeup area, lost my wallet, found my wallet, and eventually got out of there around lunch time.

We picked up some Wendys for a quick lunch, and then went back through Tims for tea. Back to Costco to fill the gas tank. Fun fact: I put 68.5 litres into our 67 litre tank. It would appear I cut it a bit close this time around!!

Finally we arrived home to the hubs, my adorable little boy, and a sleeping baby girl. We settled in and put everything away before cuddling up and playing toys in the basement. We cheated and ordered supper in, so food was easy, and as soon as the kids went down, we watched a movie. The day has felt super full to me, but I am comfortably tired, which is always nice 🙂 Hopefully this bodes well for a sound sleep! If only Laela would sleep past 7:00 :/ Still working on that. I’m not sure she’s convinced she wants a full twelve hours just yet…