
I was feeling pretty grouchy yesterday, as you may remember. However, Dekker discovered one of his books today called “Grumpy Bird.” Its a story about a bird who wakes up and is so grumpy, he doesn’t even want to fly. So he starts walking by himself. Through the book, he keeps walking by his friends, other animals, who ask him what he’s doing. His answers get more and more sarcastic and grouchy but his friends follow him anyway. At the end he realizes that if he stopped, they’d stop, and if he’d jump, they’d jump. It became a game and he forgot about being grumpy. Dekker brought that book for me to read to him probably at least twenty times today. I guess he knew I needed the reminder. He would sit all squishy and comfy on my lap while I read the entire book through, turning the pages at the right times. He is not one to sit still for very long at all, or to actually wait to turn pages. Usually a book is over in roughly ten seconds. Not today. He was sooo cuddly, and I just soaked in it. I’m learning that, even though he’s an independent boy, he still needs cuddles with me as much as I need them with him.

Another thing that has helped me look up a bit today is that I’m finally going to be out of the house tomorrow. I have a few appointments to hit in Saskatoon and some shopping to do. Best of all, my mom offered to take Dekker ALL DAY so I could run my errands baby-free, and then have a date with Brady in the evening. Did I mention its our wedding anniversary tomorrow? Four years. Such a wonderful day to remember.

So that would mean that, this time four years ago, I was either in a hot tub with my sisters, or in a hotel room with them eating popcorn and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies watching What Not to Wear before going to bed at a relatively decent time, considering we had a morning wedding. Best Wedding Eve ever! Thanks Caity! I’ll never forget it 🙂