Brady is ‘Plegic Now

Today’s post revolves around the reality that Brady is a paraplegic now, and sometimes, people forget.

His first run-in with that harsh reality came right after he arrived home after rehab. Meryl Sweep, our robot vacuum, drove into his feet and almost knocked him over. Brady chastised her immediately. “Meryl! I’m plegic now!” But she has not learned, and continues to nibble his toes and and run into him at full speed. Little jerk.

In the hospital, during rehab, Brady was constantly asked if his shoes or braces were comfortable or fit properly. Brady found it entertaining, and always kind of chuckled and said “you tell me” and his therapists would have to put their full capable feet in their less capable mouths.

Just the other day, Laela requested Brady walk her to the grocery store across town to buy something. Brady laughed and kind of awkwardly said to her “well… I can’t walk…” Don’t worry, guys. We all laughed.

I spoke to Dr. Guselle about counselling the other day, and she made a comment about how it never hurts to get your foot in the door. I giggled on the inside and said “Not for Brady.” Ten seconds later, she caught my joke and stuttered a little, and couldn’t quite muster any words. I laughed at her outwardly, and she admitted she is not often speechless, but I had DONE it!! 🏆

The last one I’ll share is from the other day, when we went to URO-Med to pick up Brady’s FES machine. We went in and chatted with the staff in the front for a little while, and they told us they had watched us pull up and get out of the van. When they saw Brady step out of the van and stand, they figured we were not their customers after all, but then I pulled his wheelchair around the van, and Brady sat down in it. Brady felt pretty good about it that, for at least a minute, he looked like an “upright.” Lol!

Sharon Klaassen

I think my favorite thing about Keith being a para is the way people just GLARE at us when we pull into a handicapped parking space. We actually had a senior couple stop in the middle of walking into the mall to glare and finally commented to me “That’s a handicapped space.” And my response was “Yes it is!” and proceeded to pull out his wheelchair from the back and as he walked to go and sit in. They quickly continued walking into the mall!!! 😀 Keeping the sense of humour is KEY!!!