Brady Taking on the Dock

As most of you know, last summer was Bradys FIRST summer as a paralyzed man. Quick recap! Paralysis doesn’t mean he cannot use his legs πŸ™‚ It means there is a change in mobility from his waist down. Just figured I’d throw that in there, because he definitely gets questions when he walks.

Last summer, one time, Brady walked out on the dock. It was pretty nerve wracking, I’m not going to lie. I held onto him for dear life, and he stared at the ground the entire time. We didn’t talk, and we didn’t stay long. But he made it!

(Don’t ask who that kid is. I have no idea.)

This weekend, Brady decided to brave the docks again. I’ve been creeping at coveting observing the boats, and there is one I wanted to show Cher closer up. And Brady decided he was up for the challenge!! So once again, we hit the dock.

I am completely thrilled to report that, while it still wasn’t easy or comfortable for Brady, it was way smoother this year. I will admit that I really wished Brady had a transfer belt on that I could’ve held, but I kept his belt loop in my grips in case he faltered at all, I could at least direct where he’d land.

But I never needed to. He easily made it to the boat, and then just held onto a dock post for a minute to regain his bearings before we headed back. He said he had to concentrate really specifically on the dock, and that the moving water on both sides of it made it really tricky to keep his balance. But he did it! And it was worth it!!

Would’ve been more worth it if that giant glorious pontoon boat was ours πŸ˜† But hey, maybe someday!