Brady’s Commuter

Admit it. You read “computer” first, didn’t you? Well. I did, and I’m the one who wrote “commuter.”


Brady is in search of a vehicle to take him to and from work! He’s been using our bus, which has worked great, but also has left me vehicle-free. Up to this point, that’s been fine, but it won’t be forever. It leaves me unable to get anything done out of the house during regular work hours. It leaves me unable to drive kids to school if weather isn’t favourable. It leaves me in a bind in case of an emergency. Meanwhile, it costs a lot more in gas than your average vehicle, and while Brady’s work is not too terribly far from home, it could cost less to drive.

Brady is in the market for something specific. Ish. There is play in his plan, but here’s what we’ve got so far.

We are looking for a minivan. Our ideal is something along the lines of your standard Dodge caravan. The key features are the dual sliding doors and the stow-and-go seating. This would mean he could open his driver’s side door, have the sliding door open on his side, and he could pull out his fully assembled wheelchair out from right behind his seat. Does that make sense? He wouldn’t have to venture around to the back of the vehicle, nor would he have to collapse his chair every single day.

This would REALLY help in winter, getting in and out of the van, into work, on the ice. While you and I can step gingerly and anticipate ice underneath, he cannot. If Brady could get this type of vehicle, he could literally have his chair in front of him without his feet having touched the ground. It would easily be the safest option for him.

On top of the purchase of this vehicle, we need to have hand controls installed. That alone costs about 2K.

Brady was able to sell his work van in August. We were SO grateful!!! We didn’t get a lot from the sale, but he made a few grand to put towards something new to us 🙂

For those who might wonder, who might have a lead on something for us, we are ideally looking for something in the 5-6K range. I know thats not a lot, but it doesn’t have to be fancy either. It just needs to drive to Warman and back one million times.

So there you go. Our eyes are open for our latest need, and we’re asking around to see if anyone knows anyone who is selling or thinking about selling their van!

Thank you, all, for keeping your eyes peeled for us! 💜