Brady’s Eighth MRI

Brady has clocked enough MRIs in the last year and a half that I actually have to look back on the blog to know what number he’s on.

Monday held MRI #8. EIGHT. I think I say it every time, but it was SO hard to get that first scan, and now they give them out like candy! To Brady, anyway. I know not everyone is so fortunate. We are incredibly grateful for the level of care he has received, and that his spine is being diligently assessed, every four-ish months.

We are also incredibly grateful to have a family doctor who we can text, and she will ride e-health on Brady’s behalf, giving us his results the moment they become available.

Monday afternoon was Brady’s scan. And Tuesday morning, we heard from Dr. Guselle!

First, we had a GOOD laugh. It was noted that Brady has mad inflammation and a possible ear infection 😆 Yes, the ear infection and sickness he’s been battling for a month or more. We giggled that even the radiologist who interpreted Brady’s MRI was concerned about it. Aaaaanyway. That was a giggle. I’ll fill you in more on that as we know more. Two ENT appointments on the books. To be continued.

However, for the main event. Brady’s spine. Where his tumour was. Thats the whole point of these scans. We praise God for another report of a clear, tumour-free spine. As far as can be seen, nothing has regrown, and we celebrate yet another victory that is ALL God.

Do you remember that pesky spot that was watched so closely in all his scans? The one that the radiologist suggested might be gone at the last scan?

Its still gone 💜

Of course, because of Brady’s fairly severe malignancy diagnosis, they will continue to scan regularly, believing he will always battle sick cancer cells in this area of his body. We choose to anticipate God’s will being done, regardless of how that looks. Whether there are sick cancer cells in there or not, there is nothing to see, so we are very joyful about that! No matter what happens, we praise God, and we trust God!

Thank you, Lord, for bringing us through such bizarre, brutal, beautiful trials.