Brady’s Headaches

Something that is discouraging about radiation is that side effects come and go like the wind. Some days, Brady is nauseated from the moment he gets up. Driving makes that worse. Thankfully, he has a medication for it, and has started drinking Boost drinks with me in the morning. He is definitely fatigued, to the point I mentioned yesterday about switching from his crutches to his wheelchair. The fatigue paired with the extra concentration needed to use the crutches was leaving absolutely NO energy for anything else.

The headaches, however, are kicking Brady’s butt, and I’m giving them their own post to ask for prayer from those of you who would like to pray.

Brady’s headaches show up absolutely any time they feel so inclined. Brady will have a distinct tightening in his neck that tips him off that one is on its way. He is on regimented Tylenol preventatively, but he immediately takes Naproxen to try and curb it. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t. Almost every time, he ends up in bed, flat on his back, in the dark, waiting for it to be over. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn’t. And then, whether in the form of searing pain or pressure, it sticks with him for the rest of the day. This mornings headache was stopped in its tracks with medication and a hot rice bag. But the hot pack didn’t even touch yesterday evening’s headache. It is just impossible to know.

The entire issue of unpredictable side effects is tricky because after days of headaches, he’ll have a day without, which feels SO hopeful, that just maaaybe they’re done! But then the next day, they’re back in full force, and my Brady is SO discouraged, and SO frustrated that they just show up anytime, and take him away from his daily life.

We ask for prayer. For healing and for comfort. For endurance and strength of mind. For guidance and resolution. For God’s will, most of all.


Dad and I pray for you, Brady and Hailey!! For relief from the headaches most of all, but for encouragement and strength for everyday, for rest and peace. Love you so much Brady, and love you so much Hailey! You are both so precious to us, you are even more precious to the Lord! 💖