Bradys Last Physio

Today marks Brady’s final physiotherapy appointment held at the City Hospital rehab facility. It almost feels bittersweet, to be honest. His experience living at rehab really built him into an incredible family of support and love. Once you’ve been through there, you are always cared about and welcomed. I even feel that acceptance as someone who came alongside Brady while he went through his treatment. 

Today, we had a great wrap up with his outpatient physiotherapist. She was so warm and encouraging. She was excited to talk about Bradys new job, his time at the lake, his cancer treatment, and how his exercises were going. She was incredibly understanding about the drop off in some of Brady’s exercises. Now that his time is split with work, he has fewer workouts. There was no shame or guilt. Only excitement and understanding, and encouragement to check in with himself once a week or so to make sure he still can work all the right muscles. They talked about what will change with an office job and what setup he has and needs. 

When it was time to go, she very genuinely told us she had really enjoyed getting to know us. We really liked her, and could reciprocate the feelings! She is moving on to a different position, and we are moving on as well. So it felt like quite a final goodbye. 

We are fortunate to leave the hospital with good feelings all around 💜 

City Hospital rehab saw us through a lot, and we will always be so grateful for every person there. But we are thrilled to move forward, also. I’m sure we’ll still find ourselves there from time to time, but at the moment, it feels like the book has closed on that chapter. And for that – for City Hospital – we praise the Lord.