Brady’s Pain Game: An MRI Date

Well, friends, I know so many of you are rooting for us in terms of Brady’s health, treatment, and search for answers. It means more than you know to know I could call for help and how many of you would happily and willingly come running. Just knowing that kind of help is available lifts a large weight from my shoulders, so thank you, friends. This is a very uncertain road we’re walking, and its nice to have so many of you standing at the sidelines, as well as many of you, walking along with us. 

I want to keep everyone in the loop, but I admit I’ve sat on this information for a few days. We got an MRI date for Brady. Its next week. We found out towards the end of last week. Brady called every avenue and pressed, but no one could move the date up. He has been “urgent” for what feels like forever, but I suppose there are only so many minutes in a day. So we had to wait. We had no choice. At least he was FINALLY on the books. 

I have remained over-prepared in terms of home stuff. Pre-writing some blogs. Meal planning. Preparing lunches for the week. Brady’s emergency bag is packed, just in case. Brady has continued working at his job, as long as he possibly can, just in case suddenly he has to be off again. Light duty work, anyway. And I spend the days working hard not to overthink. I’ve been crocheting a lot. Listening to a lot of music. Keeping busy. I cannot let my brain be idle, because it goes straight to anxiety, but I cannot just go and go and go either, because I desperately need rest. We all do. 

This morning, I asked Brady to call the MRI clinic. While they don’t have a cancellation list, I know people HAVE to cancel a lot more these days, as you can’t go anywhere with any kind of sick symptom these days. So he called from work. And called me back minutes later. 

Brady has an MRI. Tomorrow night. 

Thank you, Lord, for answering these prayers. I feel so emotional about all of this. Still horrifically uncertain, but ready for whatever is going to come our way now. As ready as I can be, anyway. 

One more day.