Brady’s Surgery: Two Days Post-Op

Thank you, friends, for your patience. As I’m sure you can imagine, these have easily been the most overwhelming days of our lives. In good ways and bad, I am deeply unable to keep up with just about everything, but I know thats allowed and understood. Be reassured, if you texted, emailed, messaged, called, got in touch with our loved ones, brought us groceries, offered to take our kids, or sent/brought a gift of food or finances, I am SO grateful. Like beside myself grateful. I don’t even know how to go about starting thank yous, so please hear my heart when I say we could NOT be afloat without you. Your support means SO MUCH to our family. We are completely overwhelmed.

I’m here to share details. We kept most of our information close to the vest for a number of reasons. One reason was processing. We needed time to think. Another reason was because, for at least a little while, I knew more information than Brady knew, and I hadn’t had the opportunity to talk to him about his own stuff. And lastly, we have been waiting to speak directly to his surgeon.

So. We’re there. I’ll tell you what I know, as best as I can. I’m going to give you the readers digest edition until I can really sit down and write at length the events of the days.

Brady’s tumour was worse than Dr. Fourney anticipated. It had eaten up the bulk of the right side of his spinal cord over the span of about four vertebrae. It was about a 4-5 hour surgery, but Dr. Fourney believes he was able to remove all of the tumour. Of course, we wait for full pathology, but as it stands today, we are optimistic. Full pathology will tell us what level of malignant is was, and how deep the cancer cells went. He believes it’s been growing there WAY longer than any of us thought.

We were warned immediately post-op that Brady would likely never regain any function in his right leg. Ever. That was a very scary piece of news.

That being said, day one out of surgery, flat on his back, Brady could move BOTH of his legs!!! The left leg moved much better than the right, but the right did move. He could move his foot a teeny bit, and juuuuust pick his knee up off the bed. It was VICTORIOUS!

Today, two days out, Brady can lift both legs even better! His right leg still is very floppy, and he can’t keep it upright, but considering they anticipated zero function whatsoever, this is HUGE!! We are SO happy!!! He also worked with some rehabilitation staff who got him sitting up on the side of his bed. It was a huge job, but he did it!!! He will need to keep working.

Brady finally saw his surgeon today, and he was so happy with Brady’s progress. He said these are really hopeful steps. It feels so optimistic.

Yet, we are not out of the woods. There is a VERY high likelihood that Brady will come home in a wheelchair. It will hopefully be temporary, as he has a good chance of regaining some motor skills and strength in his legs again. Sensitivity, however, could take years, if it comes back. So changes will need to be made around, at least for a time. I’m going to have to learn to support him in and out of the house and vehicle, to get him to and from his rehabilitation at City Hospital for the months to come. He will need to be SO STRONG. We all will, but mostly him. Physically and mentally.

The best thing you can all do is keep a positive mindset. Picture Brady walking again, being back amongst his family, in a job he loves, doing life normally. We need to keep positive to help HIM keep positive. This is of utmost importance. Its very easy to slip down the slope of hopelessness, and currently, Brady feels optimistic and hopeful. He does not feel afraid. So let’s rejoice with him that he has come through his surgery, and has already progressed further than anticipated!

I am SO PROUD of you, Brady!!! My gosh, I miss you here at home. Please come back soon.


Brady you are a strong man and you will recover. I believe God has put your family through this hiccup just so you can lean more on Him and show the people around you what God can do when you have faith and trust Him. His is good ALL the time and ALL the time God is good.
Friends of Cher and Sandy. Sandy led my husband (Ted) to the Lord before I met him. Ted and Kathy


This is a beautiful comment!! We receive and accept ALL of the above! God has not forgotten or foresaken us ever, and He is not about to start now!