Bradys Tenth MRI

Well, friends, Brady hit a milestone earlier this week. He has now had ten MRIs. TEN!!!

Man. Every time he has one, I think back at how that getting that first one was like pulling teeth. We had people on our side for months before the right people finally agreed to see Brady. We sought out a new physiotherapist who wrote a very strongly worded letter, and sent it out absolutely everywhere. After her came Dr Block, a very well respected neurologist, and she was able to FINALLY put enough oomph behind our case to get Brady in for an MRI.

Since then, it seems they give them out like candy, and while they are nerve wracking and overwhelming, we are both so incredibly grateful that Brady receives them without fight. 

We spoke to Dr. Guselle yesterday, and she actually made mention of Dr. Block, saying they had seen each other not long ago, and Dr. Guselle had thanked her once again for getting things going for Brady. She said that if she herself was having to fight for Brady to have an MRI, we may still be waiting. We are just so incredibly grateful. 

We are also incredibly grateful to God for the scenario in which we find ourselves. Brady once again has been granted a clear scan, with no sign of new growth, or even change. The word “stable” has never meant more to me than it does now. Same with “unremarkable.” Who wants to be unremarkable?? WE DO!! And we ARE!! 

We are relieved and content with Bradys results, and will happily sit on them for the next 4-6 months until the next scan. 

I’m going to jump on the question that may be on the minds of some of you. Do we have to watch him this closely?? The answer is yes. It seems overkill, but hear me out. 

Bradys tumour was very fast growing, hence the grade four cancer diagnosis. So if it were to ever start up again, the absolute soonest we’d know would be the best, so it wouldn’t get too big. If that were to happen, there would be talk of more chemo, likely, but Brady’s surgeon has also said he would absolutely consider a second surgery if need be. But, there would be a very high likelihood of his incomplete spinal cord injury becoming completed in that surgery, which would leave him a LOT less mobile or functional. No one is wishing this on him!! Absolutely not! We would still have options! But. The sooner the better. Thats all.

Thankfully, we are not there. We are here – in good strong health, with no masses or changes or inconsistencies. We trust the Lord, no matter what. He is ALWAYS good, regardless of circumstance. 

Praise God for a TENTH clear MRI!