Busy Busy!

Today felt like a busy day! Busy but so good!

It was a more “relaxed” version of busy for me. I was in Saskatoon bright and early to run an errand or two, and then I did some little jobs throughout the day, and hung out with my mom. It was super lovely.

Brady, on the other hand, had a busier day! He not only was single-dadding it again, and kept everyone alive and happy…

but he got some stuff done!

Today, there were two big goals.

Goal number one was getting the bikes ready! He spent some time this afternoon getting tires pumped and frames tightened up so the kids could bike again! The bikes, trikes, and balance bikes are all ready for the season. That includes his bike, and my bike. Full disclosure. I do not like to bike. But I love my family, and they bike. So thats something. Also, my bike is cute, so that helps, too.

Goal number two is about something I haven’t shared on here yet! Brady, Carrie, and I booked a gig. Gulp. As in, playing music for people to listen to. Double gulp. Aaaaanyway, its coming up in April, and we’ve been practicing and trying to get organized for it already. Last night, we made a big list of songs we either know or want to learn. All of this being said, Brady took my rough list and found chords for every single song! He printed them off and is making two tidy binders of music for our house and Carrie’s house. So much work went into that! I’m so thankful!

I’m not entirely sure what tomorrow will hold, but I hope you all have a beautiful weekend!