Butterfly Rattle by Discovery Toys

Ok. This is my call out. I’m on the hunt for this baby toy.

It is a heavy (and I do mean HEAVY) favorite for our morsel. However, it is not ours. It was manufactured a good while ago, and cannot just be purchased anywhere. So this means I will likely only be able to lock it down from a thrift store, or possibly from someone else who is done with theirs.

I’ve also heard there is a Facebook group specifically made for things like this, such as childrens prized stuffies and things their parents are afraid of losing. Does anyone know where to find that group? Help!

This toy was made my Discovery, or Baby Dolittle. It was seen on an episode of Baby Dolittle/Baby Einstein called World Animals in the early 2000s. Its referred to as a rattle, even though I would think a teether is more accurate.

I digress. Help me, friends. I want one of these butterflies. Or, I’d take a handful, lol! This toy doesn’t look like anything special, but it is 💜

The hunt is on!