C is for Cookie, it’s good enough for me!

I was productive today! Not alone, of course. I’m rarely productive on my own. I invited my friend Melissa over, made coffee, and we baked about 6 dozen monster cookies together! Voila!

Yuml My mom wasn’t kidding when she told me this was THE BEST monster cookie recipe in the world. And the biggest.

I’m so happy with how these came out! Compared to the last batch anyway, sheesh! I made this recipe a couple of weeks ago, but as I’m not especially kitchen savvy, I did a couple things wrong.

1. The recipe calls for 9-10 cups of oatmeal. I used 9. That was wrong. 10 was right. I know that now.

2. You know how chocolate chip cookie recipes often call for WAY too many chocolate chips? This one asks for only one cup of chocolate chips. Silly me, I just went with it. Some cookies had no chocolate chips in them. I have nothing against plain oatmeal cookies, but when you’re expecting chocolate chips, it seems extra bland when you don’t get any. So this time around, I put in roughly a cup of chocolate chips and a cup of m&ms. Sooo much better!

3. These cookies spread like you wouldn’t believe. Last time I was impatient and put a full dozen on a cookie sheet, so it turned into a cookie sheet cake. It wasn’t as yummy as it sounds. So today I took a bit more time and put only three cookies on a sheet. Believe it or not, some of them still grew together, but they look waaay better!

4. Last time I made them alone, sweating in my kitchen with Dekker fussing in his high chair. This time I made them with a friend, a cup of coffee, while Dekker napped. So. Much. Better.

Now, Dekker is waking up and chatting away in his crib. I’ll probably get him up soon and feed him his lunch of…I’m not sure yet. But he’ll get a fresh cookie for dessert! My house smells sooo good, I couldn’t not give him one. And then we’ll go play toys until its time for nap #2, when I’ll go put the leftover beef stew in the crock pot to heat it up for when Brady gets home.

It has been a pretty successful housewifey day!

*Happy 100th post to me!!!

mama jeanne

congrats on the 100! Congrats on yummy cookies….I want one …please 🙂 I’m proud of you sweetheart♥

mama jeanne

congrats on the 100! Congrats on yummy cookies….I want one …please 🙂 I’m proud of you sweetheart♥