“Can I Talk to Her?”

Brady got home yesterday and made his rounds, kissing every member of his family. When he got to me, he kissed me, and then kissed the baby and greeted her. Laela giggled at this, and asked why Brady had talked to my tummy. We explained to her that we talk to Bambina a lot.

Laela: Can I?
Me: Can you what? Talk to her?
Laela: Ya, can I talk to her, too?
Me: Of course you can! You can talk to her anytime!
Laela: Well, can she hear me?
Me: She can, yes! If you talk to her lots, she’ll remember your voice when she’s born. So its like she’ll know you already! Isn’t that exciting!
Laela: Ya…
Me: Did you want to talk to her?
Laela: Do you?
Me: Haha! I talk to her all the time.
Laela: Well do you want to now?
Me: Laela, are you a little nervous to talk to her?
Laela: Ya. A little bit.
Me: You don’t have to talk to her, but you can anytime!
Laela: Can you tell her my name?
Me: Of course! *to my belly* Hey, sweetheart, Laela is your sister. She loves you and she wants to talk to you!
Laela: (HUGE smile) I can’t!!
Me: Do you want to give her a little rub instead?
Laela: Ya! I’ll do that! (rubs my belly)

Within seconds, Dekker was next to us. He put his hand on my belly, kissed it, and said “I love you, Bambina” to his little sister. Rowan was close behind, and did the exact same thing.

I checked in with Laela one last time, and she said she felt a little shy, but she was full of smiles.

I love how much my kids love each other, and how much they understand what is to come. We are ALL anticipating her arrival so so much!