Christmas Concerts 2019

Yesterday was a total whirlwind. A good solid whirlwind of Christmas concert festivities and everything in between but WOW! You better believe I slept like a rock last night! It was a great day, but my body is over the busyness of the season that is prepping for Christmas! Lol! I’ll tell you all about it. 

So yesterday was the day that the preschool and elementary school did their Christmas concerts! As we experienced when Laela was in preschool, its a pretty full day, with one concert in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. This last month, Brady’s work has picked up in a HUGE way that we are SO grateful for, but it didn’t leave him room to take the day off completely like we had planned. So he raced in for 6:00am, worked for 2.5 hours, and was back around 9:00 to get ready and help me get everyone out the door to make the first concert at 10:00. We even had time to pick my mom up 🙂 Whew! 

The preschool Christmas program was completely adorable. They sang songs they had practiced hard, and those kids actually knew the words!! They were well behaved and paid close attention to their teacher. We are SO fortunate to have such an amazing teacher for our little ones to learn from. I feel like we have an extra special bond with her, where she has been such a warm, loving, safe place for Laela and now Rowan, but realistically, I bet every single family and child feels that bond to her that I feel. 

After the kids sang their songs, their teacher passed out gifts for each child, and we all made our way to the gym for treats and visiting for a bit. Rowan was SO excited for his gift. Each child received a mug with their letter on it! The mugs look like those little tin camping mugs, you know the ones I mean, but they were actually strong, ceramic, grown up mugs! Each child also got a hot chocolate packet and some marshmallows, chocolates, etc. SUCH a good gift!!! Our family sat and ate crackers, meat, cheese, fruit, veggies, and treats to our hearts content before hauling out and going home for nap time. 

Nap time turned out to be a bit of a hack, where everyone was tired but also pumping on adrenaline, and the boys didn’t fall asleep. Waverly did, but it was short lived because everyone had to haul up at 1:00 to make it to the 1:30 Christmas concert at the elementary school! 

Jerilee got there before us and saved us spots! It was SO nice that she came out, yet again, to see our children’s Christmas concert ❤️ 

The Christmas concert was really really sweet. It was very Jesus focused this year, which I liked a lot! It wasn’t like, acting out the Christmas story, but lots and lots of songs that were sung centred around the birth of Jesus. YAY!!! 

We were pretty far back, so pictures were hard, but we took some of ourselves between songs 🤷‍♀️ 

Clapping, lol
Waverly discovered she can cross her arms! Lol! She learned how in the middle of the Christmas program. It was hilarious!

These count, right? 

Now, I’ll admit, after this concert, I was BEAT. I’ve mentioned it here and there, but I’ve actually been living in a pretty significant amount of pain for the last few weeks, and I’m wiping out easier than usual. I’m getting better, which is great, but I still tire out. Yesterday, I felt so overwhelmed, and with Brady being home, I was able to go upstairs for a bit in the afternoon and take a rest. It was MUCH needed, and I actually had energy for the last concert that night! Thank you, Brady, for giving me a break when we both know we both needed it. 

My mom went early to the evening show and saved me a spot with her. We were much closer to the front, and she brought her camera! (She brought her camera to the preschool one too, so ALL photo credit goes to her! The good ones, anyway! Quick disclaimer here: There are so many more CUTE pictures, but I’m obviously only posting the ones of my own kids, out of respect for the other parents! But, back to the blog…) The second run of the concert felt smoother than the first, but that might’ve just been due to the absence of my younger ones. Laela was bright and outwardly happy and into it! Dekker was SO sick and looked pretty deadpan the whole time, but he dutifully did the actions and said he had a great time! 

Yes, he’s in his jammies. That was the costume for his class 😉

They did great! They were both in great spirits upon pickup, and chattered like crazy the whole way home. 

The house was dead quiet when they got home, with all three little ones fast asleep. The big ones easily fell asleep, and I admit, I woke every single one of them this morning for breakfast. I didn’t mean to wake them all, but I had to wake the big kids and the others woke up my default. But man. I wasn’t the only one wiped out! 

Dekker has a shred of his voice back, so he’s back to school! He really want to be! Laela is there today, too. Both of them have movie parties today 🙂 They’re going to thoroughly enjoy their last day at school before Christmas break! As will I!