Christmas Trees, Jeggings, etc.

I had a waxing appointment this afternoon, and thanks to Bradys materials being too late to site again, he had the afternoon off. He was loving enough to rush home in between, leaving just enough time to get dressed and help get the kids out the door. I’m more than capable to get everyone ready on time, but it is AMAZING to have the extra set of hands so I can actually get some makeup on and feel a bit more alive. Also, I vastly prefer driving together rather than just convoying home. I feel like we see each other so little, I often call him and we talk on the phone as we drive home. Its a lot nicer just being in the same space 😉

My appointment was really lovely, as usual. I love my waxing girl for lots of reasons, but she always gets my eyebrows looking perfect, and I love having fresh eyebrows. If you need an eyebrow girl, I have one for you! We hit up a nearby mall for a few little treats when I remembered that Starbucks had a FABULOUS deal on today until the 15th, where from 2-5pm, their holiday drinks are “buy 1 get 1 free.” So I grabbed a pair of lattes for Brady and I. Yum.

We ran a few little errands around the city today, but not too many. We stopped at the Gap outlet to buy some little girl jeggings for Rowan. I know, it sounds not quite right, but my kids SUCK at pants. They just do. Its hard to find pants that fit them. I think lots of people have similar issues. By the time the waist finally fits, they’re too short. Can I get an “amen?” Anyway, Rowan has started rocking Laela’s jeggings, and he’s actually fitting some that are still a little bulky on her. Its absurd, I know. But they wear the same size of diaper so I guess it adds up. So I found some potential pairs, and we’ll see how they fit soon. Afterwards, we stopped in Walmart and let the kids run around a bit more while we grocery shopped, as well as picked up a couple of things for Christmas. Last Christmas, I finally got on the wreath bandwagon, and I LOVED it! But I didn’t have a way to hang one on my door, so we just hung them on nails on the wall. It was fine, except that since then, we’ve painted and filled in all of the nail holes. We’re not hoping to add many more before it sells, so we snagged a door hanger for one anyway. Its time to get festive up in here!!! (PS: Is there a rule about how soon I’m allowed to decorate? Considering showings and such, we strive to have our house as perfect as possible each and every time. Would early Christmas decor be off-putting?)

Our last stop was Costco, where we purchased our first ever artificial tree. I have always loved having a real tree, for the smell, the tradition, and the fact that it just looks nicer to me! But I HATE how long I have to wait to put one up!! If I want it to live until Christmas, I have to wait. And thats hard. So we bought a really beautiful looking tree from Costco for a super price!! We grabbed a few other necessities, and Dekker and Laela scored big, each getting a cookie from the bakery and  a Lindor chocolate sample. The woman who checked us out seemed kind of annoyed that we had purchased a tree, because it was big and hard to load the rest of our stuff around it in the cart (eye roll) but we just pretended we didn’t notice. Leaving the till, some people noticed Laela and started pointing her out and saying her boots were cute. Laela is pretty shy and tends to just put her head down when strangers address her, but this time, from her spot in the cart seat, she lifted her legs up for everyone to see. That girl 🙂

We had a good ride home, and the kids ate their supper well. But everyone was pretty overdone by bedtime, so the night ended with many tears on their end. But its ok. We had a really lovely afternoon and evening together, and it wasn’t even Saturday! I’m so happy we’ll have another family day together tomorrow!!!