Church in Summer

For those of you who attend church on even a somewhat regular basis, you can maybe relate to us on this. It is just SO much harder to get there in summer! We had a crazy July, filled with baby having, party throwing, and lake loving. August was going to be more open and relaxed, but it quickly was filled with company having and birthday celebrating. August also took Brady back to work, so that was an adjustment, too.

Lots of summer has been amazing, and truthfully, some of it has been super challenging. I am very much looking forward to school starting, and routine to set in again. We all need it.

Part of that routine will hopefully include getting back to church more often. The last time we attended church was July 8th, when Wavy wasn’t quite one week old. Now, today, she is TWO MONTHS!! (I’ll do a post about that tomorrow 😊) We made it there just a couple of minutes before the service started, and got our usual bench.

Our kids did surprisingly well for not having sat through a service in a while. Dekker drew and wrote a bit, and Rowan tried to copy 😍

Waverly had some fresh, new arms to snuggle in, so she did great, too.

It also didn’t hurt to have the extra set of hands, lol! Thanks, Michelle!

As one would expect, there were many people there who hadn’t met Wavy yet and were eager to! Once the service had wrapped up, I was more than happy to pass her around a little and let some friends and church family get little whiff of her sweetness. She’s such a peach! I know we all feel differently about who can hold who and when, but I hope LOTS of people hold her and experience her and share in our gift for a long, long time still!

Its so great for kids to be valued and loved by others outside of their immediate home, and we’re so fortunate to have a loving, involved church family that regularly pours into ours.