Church, Shopping, and Baby Party Stuff

Today has felt a bit crazy to me, though it probably really hasn’t been. Brady and I had breakfast in bed before getting the kids up, fed, and ready for church. We were weirdly ahead of the game and had lots of time to play before it was time to go! Brady and I even started our first big batch of cold brewed coffee, to test our recipe and make sure its yummy enough to be one of the drinks at Bambina’s party this summer. I’ll let you know how it turns out 😉

We got there on time, and everyone sat well for the first few minutes or so, but that was it. I’m sure a handful of you can relate to the challenge of trying to keep kids quiet during church. Its HARD. And today was just not an easy day for it. I think Brady walked Solly out five different times, mostly thanks to Solly demanding Brady’s travel mug, and when upon finally getting it, smacking it into his teeth, face, etc. It wasn’t easy. Church went longer than usual, and we actually ducked out early, which we never do, but it just wasn’t happening, and I knew they wouldn’t calmly sit through communion. Plus, with Solly crying on and off, red faced, chewing his hands (two year molars maybe?) it was just time to get some food moving so naps could start.

Our plan was to have my parents over for waffles for lunch, so we headed home and started right into it. We figured if we had to, we’d just feed the kids the first ones, and the rest of us could eat after. No biggie. But my parents arrived shortly thereafter and we all ate together. We got them down for naps a bit later than usual, but all was well. The nappers all fell asleep in great time (which is sort of unheard of for Laela these days) and mom and I ducked into the city for Costco, since she needed a thing or two, and we had forgotten a handful of things last time we were in.

We moseyed through the big store and chatted, shopped, took advantage of a few sales, and made some plans. I picked up something I wanted to try out for the baby party, and it was SUCH a winner! Guys, its going to be SUCH a yummy party!

While we were driving home, Brady texted that there was some construction going on next door, with lots of loud beeping and such. He was pretty discouraged that naps would end early :/ I tried to reassure him that tomorrow is a holiday and it would be fine. Thankfully, they didn’t wake up immediately, and still all got probably roughly 1.5-2 hours of sleep. Just one left to wake and we’ll head to my parents for supper! This 50 km wind has changed our backyard wiener roast plans, but I think hot dogs are still on the menu, which should please the masses. Some relaxing is whats sounding good to me!