Coffee and Birthdays and Tacos, Oh My!

With a fairly busy evening yesterday, Solly hadn’t had his best, fullest day for food, so he was up a number of times in the night. Seriously, guys, reflux babies do NOT sleep as well as others! But I understand it, after experiencing it with Rowan, and we know its just for a time. Ro is a great sleeper now! But Solly is not. So we were up a lot. This morning, he woke up a 8:00am for milk, but the rest of the house was quiet, so we fed him in bed, drank coffee, and watched “The Good Wife” for a while. When we did surface finally, we got the kids breakfast and let them loose to play. They were in rougher moods that usual, but I figure they were likely still tired from the big family gathering last night. It was a LOT of stimulation, hahaha!

In the early afternoon, we packed up and headed to Kims house for her youngest son’s second birthday. There were lots of kids to play with, treats to eat, presents to open, and conversation to be had. It was a really lovely couple of hours, where we got to chat with some of her friends that I don’t know as well, and for the kids to meet new kids. Unfortunately, Solly was shot and was pretty hands on almost the entire time. Lucky for him, he’s still super cute, even when he’s squirming and fussy. But it wasn’t quite 3:00pm wen we decided to bow out. We’re not usually the first to leave anything, but it was just time. Solly was tired, and specifically Dekker and Laela were struggling with their attitudes still.

We ended up at my parents for supper! We ate leftover tacos from the night before, and caught up on a visit. I don’t think our family has actually been over there for a visit in weeks (not counting yesterday, of course), so the kids dove into the toys and spread out to enjoy themselves. It didn’t last especially long, though. My poor big kids were having SUCH a hard time with their moods. I ended up sticking them both in time outs, and I told them that if someone was rude or selfish or had a bad attitude one more time, we would leave. And this one magical time, it registered. Those kids shared like I have never seen them share. I didn’t have to interfere in their conversations and remind them to share. They just did it, smoothly. Not especially happily, but without outwardly complaining or crying. It was smoother, finally.

We got home just shortly after their bedtime and they were finished. I always find it hard when we’ve had so many nice things happen in one day, and they’re still in crappy moods, but I also realize that they’re tired, and its hard when the day is ending and they’re over stimulated and feelings all the feels, so to speak. They are now all down, and only one of them is crying. And its not even me! Though I’m not far off, lol! I’m tired. Time for a soak and some Netflix.