Coffeehouse Day!

If I don’t look out the window, it won’t be snowing, right? Right. Yay! Denial works!

Today is the big day!! Brady and I, along with our friend, Carrie, have a real live gig! Its going to be pretty chill, at a coffee house just one town over, but I think I can safely say that we are all SO EXCITED!! We’ve been practicing some fun songs for weeks, and have officially surpassed stress and are at the point of having a lot of fun with it all 🙂 I think thats a good sign that we’re ready!

If you haven’t noticed, the three of us really enjoy doing music together! We’re a worship team at our church, where we lead once a month, and we’ve done music at our local car show for the last two years. We have SO much fun with it, but we were itching for more opportunities to play together! We reached out to Clearcut Coffeehouse after they put out a call for live music. We sent them some clips and they invited us to play! YES!

So here we are! It all comes down to today! Of course, Brady got sick this week and his voice is gone completely 🙁 SO disappointing for all of us. While I know he’s bummed too, he’s being a good sport about it and saying, this way, he can focus on his guitar a bit more. So if you come see us at 6:00pm today, you won’t get the three part harmony we usually try to offer, but hopefully two parts will work for ya!

This is the part where I should share a picture of us, but we don’t have one. We never think of it, ever! Maybe one day, lol! (Guys, we need to take a selfie!)

Seriously though, come see us! Clearcut Coffeehouse in Martensville makes super yummy coffee, and some background noise wouldn’t hurt, right?? We start at 6:00! I hope we see you there!