Crawly Wolly

I am SO pumped to share that Solly is starting crawl!! I put a video of it up on my Instagram so definitely check it out 🙂 I’d put WAY more videos on here if I didn’t have to upload them to YouTube first. Kind of annoying when they’re just quick little cute things. But this is a milestone I’m really excited about.

Yes, yes, I know. Once kids crawl, you can’t set them down and expect them to stay in one place. Sure, thats a bit of a pain. BUT! I love that he can get his own toys sometimes, and will soon be following us around the house. I love that he’s growing and changing and developing exactly as he should. He is our earliest crawler too, which is new and exciting.

The big kids are also SUPER excited for Solly to be crawling! Dekker keeps saying “We should cheer for him, so he knows we’re so proud of him!” So we cheer, and he stares at us until we stop. Its pretty awesome.

Now the hunt for the baby gate begins. We have a bit of an interesting situation here where the gate will need to go, so it might be a tad tricky. Factors:

The staircase is wider than average. Gates for this situation do exist, I am aware.

The posts that our gate will attach to are not directly across from each other. Is “adjacent” the right word? If it is, they aren’t. So any gate that we put up will be slightly diagonal. Which is tricky.

To play off of that previous factor, our house still feels very new to us, and the idea of screwing some big chunky diagonal gate into the beautiful posts of our railings is a bit of a kick in the stomach. It feels a bit like it needs to be perfect for us to want to punch such a big hole somewhere that it couldn’t easily be repaired, if at all, in the future.

Lastly, this gate will be at the top of the stairs directly when you enter our house. So something jimmy rigged is possible, but would likely be a temporary solution.

I feel like our best bet will be to have a gate made, likely by the man who built our railings. But that will be both expensive and time consuming. We’ve always sort of talked about that being what we’ll do, but of course we didn’t prioritize it when 3/4 kids were fine on the stairs, and the other one wasn’t mobile. Now he is, and we’re behind.

Either way, we will find something soon. I am still SO happy that Solly has finally figured that cute little crawl/shimmy out. We all are, over here. Small victories.