Date with Auntie Jerry!

Jerilee and her sweet new ride made the trip out for the day. I feel like I haven’t seen her since long before Christmas, which is far too long. Sadly, I had two fairly “sensitive” kids on my hands today, and the visit wasn’t as relaxed as it usually is. But we worked with it, and she’s such a good sport. She even came with Christmas gifts for the whole family. Jerilee…


We like you.

Dekker did settle in after a while, and had a few good moments…



but fussing and constant whining was not far away. He was struggling. It was sad. I played with him, cuddled him, gave him a yummy lunch, and had a few talks with him, but he just couldn’t seem to keep it together. Poor boy. He went down for his nap fairly early, but he really needed to.

Once he got up, he and Brady had eggs and toast for supper, and I had some leftovers. Dekker ate really well (which is somewhat uncommon these days) and drank lots of milk from his cup. He’s still pretty new to it, and we only give him little bits at a time, for fear of spills, mostly. He also prefers to hold his cup with only one hand, and can’t reach his hand all around the cup nicely. So I give him maybe an inch at a time, and he had three refills 🙂 Thats two days without a sippy cup and he’s had no complaints. Yay! There were also no complaints about his very first jello fruit cup.


We played downstairs for an hour before bedtime. Then he came and jumped on the bed a bit, got some wrestling out of his system, and had a drink of water before he hit the sack. We had a little bit of cuddle time with Laela…


before feeding her and putting her down. I can’t believe she’s sleeping at 9:00! Thats a nice change from 11:00pm very night. Our kids certainly set their own schedules, and we really like them!

Time for my soak before we hit the sack. No snack for me 🙁 At two weeks postpartum, I had 20 lbs of baby weight left to lose to be back at pre-pregnancy. Who cares, right? At two weeks, who is even thinking about that?! And now, 3.5 months later, I still carry those stupid 20 lbs >:( So, I’m giving up my evening snack. Somehow, my bath is just that much less satisfying. I guess I’ll be a big girl and learn to eat a bit more at supper.

Oprah says not to eat after 7:00pm. Doesn’t Oprah know all?

HI Honey.  You know, you could just eat light healthy snacks before bed.  That might work too 🙂  Glad you had a pretty good day.  I love you!  Mom