Dates and More Dates

We had Kim and her boys over for the day today. Kim and I have had a handful of dates over the last few weeks, but neither of us have seen much of each others kids. Today was the day, and it was really really nice to be all together again.

They came mid morning, and the kids explored the house and played flashlight tag while Kim and I drank lattes and visited in the living room. It was that way until Rowan had an epic meltdown and went down for his nap. Then playing got a bit quieter and we started lunch. A good handful of grilled cheese sandwiches, cucumbers, and apples later, everyone was fed and ready for some rest. Therefore, toys were tidied up a bit and Netflix offered some peace. It was nice and cozy. It had been far too long since we all played together, and these rainy days are great days for dates.

The four of them left shortly after 2:00, and I sat for a few minutes with my kids in the living room. I remembered then that I had missed a call from my mom earlier than day, so I called her back, and we decided that instead of sitting on the phone, we should visit in person. So I convinced her to come over, even just for a short visit.

That was also a really nice visit! She came bearing cookies, played downstairs a bit with the big kids, held Solly while he slept a little, and we chatted about the upcoming events of summer. Nothing pressing, but all very important 😉 Brady got home around 4:30-ish and my mom headed home soon after.

Our evening has played out nicely, and everyone is tucked away in bed, minus Solly, who is working on his evening milkshake.

Tomorrow we’re off to another playdate! It should be really fun 🙂 New people to the kids, which is always a bit scary for the kids, but Dekker will be meeting another boy he’ll go to kindergarten with! Its time to get as many of those playdates in as possible! I’m really looking forward to it, honestly. I happen to be a superfan of this family, though we haven’t been in contact in several years, as tends to happen when both families have four kids! Should be a really nice time.

I feel like these kinds of dates are some of the best ways to spend these rainy days 🙂 Friends make everything better.