Day of Rest

Laela gave us a full nights sleep 🙂 I am so thankful! She did surface around 7am, but she ate a full bottle and was back to bed within the hour, which was crazy. Crazy awesome, that is.

We are continuing with our promise to keep the kids bored and comfortable for a few days, and spent most of the day snacking, playing puzzles, and watching How to Train Your Dragon. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should. There are definitely action parts that some could find scary, but Dekker really liked it, and he is ultra sensitive, so use your discretion.

Laela took a couple monster naps today, and I actually took one as well! Not a monster nap, but a nap in general. I never nap, but it would appear I was exhausted. Who knew? It was wonderful. I woke up to Brady telling me he had made dinner and it would be ready in fifteen minutes. Lucky girl, I am. We ate supper upstairs and took it easy for a while. I fed Laela some rice cereal, which she finally got into! She liked it a lot better this time, and I think that’s because I made it with warmer milk. She used to cry when I’d feed it to her, but she ate the entire amount this time, for the first time! Its only as much as you put in one ounce of milk, but she’s still learning to move it around in her mouth without spitting it out. Does that make sense? Anyway, it was a big success and I’m so proud of her! I can’t wait to get a bit more into her in the coming weeks, and to start other foods as well! Starting Dekker on solids was so scary for us, because of the amount that he threw up, plus his lack of interest. But I’m much more excited about it this time! So often, my instinct is to give Laela little tastes of things, but I can’t yet. I guess I’m used to sharing my food with Dekker 🙂 Looking back at pictures of our days in the hospital with Laela, I see Dekker coming for a visit and eating all my hospital food. I love that boy.

** Side note: Has anyone gone the route of complete baby led weening? I’m curious about it but would love to hear what other mothers have found.

Sadly, the evening ended with a sad bath time for Dekker and a less than impressed bath time for Laela. We’re still trying to figure Dekker out, but Laela will benefit greatly from a bath seat, I think. She wants to sit up but she slides all over the place. Either way, both kids are down (hopefully for the whole night?!) and I’m so ready for the bath and a snack! Aren’t I always?