Dekker Turns Eleven

Master Dekker turned eleven today. Early early this morning, in fact. He is already eleven. 

I became a mom because of this boy. He has grown and changed so much in the last eleven years, and I have truly enjoyed knowing him through each stage, whether struggly or victorious. 

Dekker loves to read. He has been doing a reading challenge over the year, just for fun. He’s read so many books and retains it all. He loves to kayak and tie knots, make pulleys, etc. He has been collecting cans all summer in hopes of purchasing a bigger ticket item for himself, and he has maintained his “job” around the camp every weekend. He is diligent and responsible. 

Dekker is also at the age where he really wants to just hang with the adults. He wants to understand the humor and the references. He wants to eat different food and stay up late. He wants to relate. And he’s getting there 💜 A little too quickly, perhaps. 

As Dekker makes his way into the last year of his elementary school experience, I will continue to carry him in prayer, for his current life and his future endeavours. He is an INCREDIBLE boy, I can hardly even imagine what kind of man he will be 🥰 

I love you, Dekker Thomas. Happy birthday, sweet boy.