Dekker’s First Day Back

There as been this beautiful shift in Dekker since he started school. I’ve talked about it a lot on the blog, I believe, but it still excites my heart! He is growing into this boy who is less afraid to take risks, be in groups, or in new situations, and best of all, he’s more confident in himself, and it shows. While Dekker still loves home, he now loves school! Once Dekker had settled into kindergarten, we never struggled with much fight getting him to stay at school once he was there, but if it were up to him, he would’ve far rather stayed home.

Grade one has been different in such a good way! He likes his home days, but school is also very much his happy place! He enjoyed having yesterday at home (thanks to his weekend sickness) but he was SO excited to go back today! He was eager and hyper in the morning, eating breakfast faster than normal, and was ready to go a bit too early, but instead of playing, he offered to feed Solly his yogurt and to make his bed. This kid, though ❤

I walked him from the van to school, like always, and he was just pulling me like a dog, haha! He was so ready 🙂 That just thrills my heart. I don’t anticipate that will get old before its possibly gone. I’m sure the novelty of going to school will wear off eventually 😉

Picking him up from school was a happy sight too 🙂 I was outside visiting with one of the other moms who I haven’t seen for a while, when the bell rang. In the past, if I’ve been a minute or two late, Dekker makes his way outside and finds me. Yet after a few minutes, he hadn’t shown up, so I bowed out of our conversation and went to find him. He was standing in the hallway with his teacher, waiting for me. I’d say “my bad,” but his teacher was away all last week, the week before was the break, and he had been home yesterday. And guys, he LOVES his teacher. So I’m not surprised that he stuck around with her a little bit 😉 He was full of smiles, and he was super happy to see me. He ran down the small stretch of hallway and dove at me. Now we used to do this on the daily, where he’d leap into the air and I’d catch him. It was cute, but as he continues to grow (and as I continue to grow) my pelvis doesn’t appreciate the game, and neither does my centre of gravity. So we pretty much never do our mid-air hug anymore. But he was so amped today, I couldn’t shut him down! It was so sweet.

He’s now home, and cooperating beautifully with his homework, and is asking questions and celebrating everything that he’s completing. I love watching him take pride in what he knows and pushing to learn what he doesn’t know confidently yet. He just impresses me, and I admit that I was worried for a little while there that I’d be dragging him through some of these little years. I’m happy to be able to walk alongside him rather than forcing and pushing him.

This. Is. Awesome.

Today. Was. Awesome!