Dekker’s Home Day

Its such a weird day to have off school, but for some reason, today is a teachers prep day out here and Dekker is home for the day. It would almost feel like a Saturday, except Brady is at work. Merp. So, its close, but not quite right.

The kids have spent the morning playing like champs. The Play-Doh was out in full force, stories were read, paper was colored, and arguments were refereed. It was a busy morning! Meanwhile, I discovered that Children’s Place was finally clearing out their winter gear at amazing prices, but the website (despite being one of the worst websites to shop on in general) was super limited and picked over. They had next to nothing that I was looking for. I put a cry for help on Facebook and a small handful of people got in touch with me and offered to check nearby locations. They have all now been scoured, but to no avail :/ Not sure my next move, but I was very much looking forward to having winter stuff nailed down for the kids for next winter already! Ah well, there is still time.

As the kids began their lunch, my friend Cher came over to take a few quick pictures of me. They might even reveal a detail or two that you guys might want to know 🤷 Maybe! Maybe not. I don’t know who wants what. But we had a good time together, and she was very patient and understanding as we were interrupted time and time again to put out metaphorical fires left right and centre. Eventually, we got what we wanted (I hope!) and she headed off to an appointment.

I put the three younger ones down for naps, and got myself lunch. Is it just me, or is spaghetti noodles drenched in butter and parmesan cheese just the absolute bomb sometimes? I love it, and it really hit the spot for me today. I ate lunch and had a quick chat with Brady on the phone. Now, I’m blogging, and I have some typing to do for a meeting I attended a while ago. Hopefully Jerilee will come over before too long, and we’ll have a good solid evening of the Bachelor and tuns melts!

Note to self: Don’t forget to take Dekker to kids club this week!!! Yikes! Parent fail at its finest.