Disclaimer: Mention of Christmas

It is four months until Christmas. And trust me, I know its too early to talk about it. But specifically, I want to talk about the homemade gift exchange I’ve organized for the last couple of years.

Firstly, I’ll say I still really want to do it! I love organizing it, being on the inside of who is making what for who, and watching people meet other people. Its FUN! Unfortunately, there are a couple of hangups that have been eating at me, and its clear there needs to be change in a few areas. Please bear with me. I fear, by making new stipulations, I will lose people. But maybe a smaller group of more dedicated people would be ok. I’m not sure, and I’d like to hear from you!

One odd thing I’ve noticed is that some people never ever acknowledge the exchange. They’re “in” it, but they never post a picture of what they receive, or thank the giver. This isn’t a rule, per se, but I’d call it common courtesy. People put an immense amount of work into the gifts they make for the recipient, and I’ve personally had people message me, quite discouraged and worried that their person didn’t like their gift. It’s a tough spot to be in for everyone, and I’d like that to be different. A commitment to share with the group and show gratitude.

I think I’d also ask everyone to put in a small card or something, just so the recipient actually knows where their gift is coming from.

Lastly, the biggest struggle – the main reason I’m considering scrapping the homemade gift exchange altogether.

Last year was the first time someone did not get a gift. I am more than understanding that life happens, and stuff just gets missed sometimes. There were NEVER any hard feelings. EVER. The system of the gift exchange is that you are on the hook for a $25 Visa gift card if you end up not making a gift. Everyone agrees to this upon signing up for the exchange. And last year, when someone was missed, I sent them a warm message, inquiring if they were alright, if the gift was maybe still on its way, etc. Nothing but grace. A friend I considered quite dear to me never replied, and promptly blocked me. I actually lost a friend over this, which was quite devastating.

And the person – my mom – didn’t get a gift. If you know my mom, you know she wasn’t angry or upset, but I was. For sure. So there has to be some insurance that this kind of thing does not happen again.

I am aware that this exchange is just a little thing, but I really enjoy it, and I know there are others who do, too. But I can only control everything. I would really love to know what you guys think.

Do I impose a $5 entry fee, just to cover my butt if someone else bails? Do I require updates? I don’t want to micromanage anyone or anything, but last season shook me up a little.

I’ll be posting this publicly, as always, as well as in the Homemade Gift Exchange group. If you have feedback or interest, get in touch, friends!