Does it still count???

The Daily Hailey is an outlet I’ve set up for myself, and committed to posting every day. It is officially 12:47 am as I begin this post, on Monday. But its my Sunday post!!! I’m still awake in Sunday mode! Does it still count?

I’m late to post as I spent out last morning and afternoon visiting with Simon, Grace, Isaac, and Charlie. While everyone napped, a few of us took of to Edmonton for some shopping that turned out to be sub-par at best. Bath & Body Works had nothing left of their fall scents, none of the jackets on sale at Target were in my size, and there were no little boy mittens to be found. Girl mittens, for sure. But boys mittens? None. I bought a belt.

From shopping, we went back to family for a huge pizza feed and one last cuddle with Charlie before we dragged ourselves away around 6:oo pm. It was a decent drive for everyone minus Dekker. He really struggled. He was hungry and overtired. When we stopped in Lloyd on the way home to feed him, he was too fed up and just cried. We took turns walking him around the McDonalds while the others ate. He was quite hands on, and would go from zero to sixty amazingly fast, and not in a good way. Getting from sixty back to zero took a lot longer.

Now he’s tucked safely away in his bed, hopefully for a very long time, and Brady and I are getting ready to pass out in front of an episode of Community. Of just while I finish this blog…

* Everyone forgive me for technically missing Sunday? There will be a better post coming Monday/later today!