Down to Two

Yesterday, I had three kids at home, with Dekker and Laela finally being able to go to school! Today, I’m down to two at home, because Rowan could go today! Upon getting him up this morning, he was SO excited for school. His hands were out as he exclaimed “I am really looking forward to seeing my class again!” I loved that.

I, on the other hand, am not having my best morning. I had an incredibly short sleep, therefore getting everyone up late, which was completely my own fault. I had to rush through everything, and then some stupid mistakes like pouring yesterdays hot chocolate all over the kitchen floor, wiped me right out. Oy!

At least the kids aren’t fighty this morning. The three are off, and the two will be home today. It is a preschool day for Solomon, but he’s still snotty :/ So home he stays. But he’s not hard. I just come down from using my bathroom, and Solly was returning a stool he had taken into Wavy’s room to help her get a hoodie from her closet. As I zipped her into it, she said “Thank you really much, Wolly.” And he said “You’re very welcome, little Wavy.” Goodness I love them.

I think I’ve earned a coffee, and then I’m going to work on some Christmas projects. No shortage of things to work on and complete!