Dude, Where’s My Bus?

If you see us driving around in the next few days, you may notice that we’re back in our black minivan (that is still for sale, might I add.) We haven’t given up the bus for long, but it is back at Driving Force today. We’ve been getting to know our family bus better the more we drive it, and we’ve picked up on a few little sounds and things that we opted to get checked.

Brady called Driving Force about it yesterday and they were very quick to say they’d happily take it and get it checked out as soon as possible. They have been the best to work with, honestly! I recommend them with 100% confidence!

After I dropped Dekker off at school, I got the other little ones dressed and Brady swapped the car seats from the Transit to the Town and Country, and we convoyed into Saskatoon. After we dropped the bus off, we took the van around and ran a few errands that we weren’t able to complete on our trip in yesterday. Guys, we’re almost done Christmas shopping! I’m so thrilled to be ahead of the game this year. I always have such good intentions, and then the time just gets away on me. But this year, its going according to plan. So far, anyway!

Being back in the minivan has brought a somewhat hilarious perspective. It is TIGHT in there! Hahaha! Yet four children in a minivan shouldn’t be a difficult thing. Heck, you should be able to squeeze a fifth in there! But the Transit is much more roomy. We miss it already.

Anyone care to help us name our beloved bus?