Errand Date with Brady

After yesterday’s chaos of trying to scrounge up winter gear for the kids, it became clear that the older kids needed boots. Hand-me-downs are a big deal around here, and the oldest kids are often the ones who need to move on up to new things first. Because, logic. So we toyed with the idea of taking the kids into Saskatoon after school to find boots for the big kids. But they came home tired and ruffled and annoyed, and we suuuper didn’t want to run that risk.

I was SO thankful to see a local friend post that she was giving away a pair of winter boots for free that very evening! I jumped at them, and we were able to go walk for them as a family later than evening. Dekker’s previous pair of boots were already a little tight last season, so we felt confident they could pass down nicely to Rowan. They could pass to Laela, but Laela and Rowan are virtually the same size, so we figured maybe we could get her a pair thats a bit more girly, since she almost never gets girly outerwear.

Cher offered Brady and I an errand date today. Isn’t that amazing??? We have next to no money to burn, but we did have errands that needed doing, meaning boots for Laela, as well as groceries. And this way, we could do it without kiddos, and we could mosey our way along to be easy on Brady’s back! We happily accepted, and headed out today, mid-morning.

We started at Value Village, in hopes of finding boots, but it didn’t happen. I had a bit of a giggle and debated buying one of these, but it would just sit empty, so I resisted, lol!

We decided not to try any other second hand places, and rather just hit Walmart for groceries and boots, and whatever else. We found some really nice black and purple winter boots for Laela, as well as some long sleeved shirts, and much needed duvet clips. And then we spontaneously bought up a pantry worth of dry goods!! We’ve done SO GOOD this year buying way more fresh, healthier food, and eating what we already have, without always going out for quick little shops here and there. We’ve saved so much money on groceries!! But finally, the pantry was short on soup, noodles, gravies, condiments, etc. It was time, and we made it count! What a haul! I didn’t even stop in the yarn aisle. Thats saying a lot.

Meanwhile, at home…

Lunch was a picnic in a fort!! These lucky kids!

Everyone is happy when auntie is over!!

Brady and I grabbed some little lunch, and then picked up our last few items at the Coop. We came home to a beautifully quiet, peaceful house. Dishwasher and Meryl running. Naps in full swing. We quickly got groceries put away, and visited with Cher for a little bit before she cleared out to head home to work on her own stuff.

At about that point, Brady’s legs were finished, so we took a lay down and watched an episode or two in bed before the big kids got home from school. It was a good stretch of relaxing! Except that my body wasn’t ready to wind down, so I crocheted while we watched.

Now that everyone is home and unpacked, there is more to do! We have leftover thanksgiving supper for supper, so supper will be an easy one! Aaand then I have some cleaning to do, and a few things to organize before tomorrow. We have a busy end of the week on its way!