Errands in the Bus

We didn’t have too much to do today, but we did our first mini-errand day in our not-so-mini bus! And I have to say, we vastly prefer travelling in our bus.

Costco was the main place to hit, and we did it well. Not only did we find everything we were looking for, but we found the entire series “Mad About You” on dvd for only $30!!! I love that show so much, and in my efforts to find it on dvd, I haven’t managed to find more than a couple of the seasons on Amazon for hundreds of dollars. This is obviously WAY better, and I’m so thrilled to have them in my possession. Woot!

We did our laps around the store, and Dekker was insistent on buying me flowers, so he and Brady picked out a beautiful white and purple arrangement for me. I love it.

We were a bit of an eyesore, getting in and out of the parking lot, and people definitely stared at our vehicle, but I made the most of it and danced obnoxiously to the Christmas music blasting inside. Yes, folks, it is after Remembrance Day so no one can complain! Christmas is almost heeeeere!

Canadian Tire was the next and last place we went to. Brady is juuust about done putting lights up but we’re short about 20′. So I sat in the van with the kids while he ran in and grabbed the very end of what we needed. Just you wait, guys. They already look SO good, and soon they’re going to look even better!

When we made it back to town, Brady dropped me off at my moms, and she and I drove back to the city together and dd some shoe shopping, among other things. It was a lot of fun, and we even managed to stretch it into a supper date. We went to two malls, and then Tony Romas, and then ducked into a grocery store for milk and a few other things just before heading home.

I made it home in time to get some cuddles in with the littles, and now everyone is down and I’m ready for a soak. I swear, they had the AC on in a couple of those places!!! I know its unusually mild for this time of year, but come on now…