Everyone’s Waking Up

After being completely and utterly bushed yesterday, the kids are considerably more rested and functional. Which is perfectly timed, because Dekker had a field trip today! He assured me at breakfast that he was feeling much better than yesterday, and he even told me he was excited to try some new things. His field trip was compiled of things that he had never done before, so I was wondering how it would go.

He was excited to go to school, and rushed right into his classroom after giving me a kiss goodbye. I wasn’t able to be a parent helper this time around but lucky for me, I had a few friends on the inside who lovingly sent pictures and videos of him playing and having fun. I got lots of updates and people telling me how silly and funny and happy he was. Apparently he’s actually decent at bowling, which is exciting! He really enjoyed that part, and even got a strike! Thats more than I can say for myself!! The second part of his day was spent doing gymnastics, which he will tell you “was the hard part of the day.” But he tried some new things, like he promised he would, and he concurred some fears. Wins for Dekker!

The kids made it back to school in time for last recess, and ended up just spending the remainder of the afternoon outside on the playground. He was happy and sweaty. One of the parents came up to me and pointed him out, saying that they had danced and been silly together and had a lot of fun. It is SO wonderful to see Dekker finding his groove and his feet and his confidence. He genuinely like school, which I am so happy to see. He does still like home more, but I truly think he’ll miss school during the summer.

While he solidly enjoyed today, he is once again, pretty wiped out. And that is just fine 🙂 We have a yummy supper ready and waiting, making our house smell delicious, so I’m going to choose my priorities and go eat. And then snuggle in for some laziness before tucking everyone away for the night. Sounds like a pretty great Friday night to me!!