Eye Update: Laela and Solomon

Its been about a month since the kids got their glasses! Rowan went for his checkup early because he got his contact a couple of weeks after the fact. Solly and Laela had their checkup yesterday after school. I loaded up all the kids and took everyone along. Luckily, our eye place welcomed us with open arms 💜 As they always do. We didn’t wait long before we were called back to do the initial tests, to the back waiting room, and finally into the exam room!

Solomon went first. He was super cooperative and did a super good job. Our eye doctor told me his prescription had changed. Not specifically that his eyes had changed, but since he was familiar with the process now, he handled it better and she could get a more accurate answer. She told me we could’ve gotten that answer the first time around if she had done drops, but vastly preferred it this way where no one is traumatized. I loved that 💜

The plan for Solly is to order new lenses, and because its within the appropriate window of time, its free of charge! Woot!

Laela was next, and she was jazzed, as she is. She loves having glasses. Unfortunately, her glasses aren’t doing all our eye doctor had hoped. Her eyes are quite different from one another, and like Rowan, her brain hasn’t been using one of her eyes. Her prescription isn’t as high as Rowan’s, so we were hoping the glasses would do the trick, but they haven’t. So, yet another new development!

Yup. Laela will now be patching with Rowan!! No contact for her, though. Just her glasses and a patch when she’s at home. I was SO impressed with her response to learning this plan, though. She was optimistic and totally 100% accepting! She smiled and nodded eagerly! Not that she was thrilled, but she was down for whatever needed doing. This will be a HUGE asset to Rowan, who has been struggling lately with being the only one who needs to patch 💜 This shift has removed the “Its not fair” option, and I’m pretty stoked about it! I know they will lean on each other when they’re feeling overwhelmed and uncomfortable. We often call them the twins, and this only really solidifies that.

Our eye doctor was also able to get a clearer reading on Laela’s prescription, and she too is getting fresh lenses!

So the current plan is this – a followup appointment in three months for the three middles, and in the meantime, we wait for new lenses for Laela and Solly, and a fresh box of contacts for Rowan.

I won’t lie. Its a lot. But when I think about me a year ago, I NEVER could’ve handled this. No. Way. I am so incredibly grateful for how far God has brought me, and that I can add to my life. I feel more normal. Whatever that means. But I think we’re on our way. Praise God!