Fake Monday

Its basically Monday today, but in a good way. The big kids were super happy to get off to school today. I didn’t have to nag anyone in the morning. They had all slept well and were eager to get the day moving. They bundled up at warp speed and basically scratched at the door until everyone had given hugs and we released them into the wild. It was cute. They were ready. Rowan was the same way about a half hour later. No qualms with going to school. So ready.

Before school ❤️

I, on the other hand, am dragging hard. I slept well – uninterrupted, deep. But I’m absolutely beat. I couldn’t tell you why, but I could fall asleep right now. Coffee helps. Also, responsibilities. I have to do some dishes this morning still. I have to go get Rowan from preschool.

I have kids to play with and read to. 😍 I have an appointment to call about today. I actually have a couple of things to book but one at a time will have to do. Did I tell you guys I got a referral to a OBGYN and I have pretty cold feet about who I received? Ugh. Not sure what to do about all that yet, but today isn’t the day to figure it out.

Waverly has been under the weather for a good few days, but today I can tell she’s starting to feel better. She’s still clingy and easily wounded, but she’s back to dancing this morning! I haven’t seen her dance in days, and she loves to dance! She’s had a few little moments this morning where she’s put her arms up and twirled, so I know she’s starting to feel some improvement. She also slept 14 hours straight last night, which likely helped a lot. I could go for a 14 hour sleep.

It feels like the beginning of a week today. Like a Monday. But that just means the weekend will come sooner, and thats good news ☺️