Feelin’ groovy!

I feel like today is just the deep breath I’ve needed. My house cooled down to 23 over night and has only warmed up a little. I feel light.

It always helps to have a great day the day before a deep breath day. I had one! I had a great time in the city with my mom and son. Its my entire last post if you haven’t read it yet. One thing I forgot to add, I’ll just quickly make up for right here.

We were in line at Old Navy, and there was a group of women with a couple kids in front of myself and Dekker in his stroller. One of the women was holding her young son, when he saw Dekker. “BABY!!!” he squealed, and wriggled hard to get out of his moms grasp. He came right up, no fear, and patted Dekker’s face, saying “Cheeks cheeks cheeks!” It was so great! I laughed while his mom tried to pull him away and reminded him that people have personal space and boundaries and all that good stuff, but he would not be contained. He came racing back, took Dekker’s little sippy cup from his lap and tried to give Deks some water. It was just adorable. I felt loved by that little boy 🙂 He loved Dekker so much!

Anyway, back to today. I woke up after 10:00 and got Dekker out of his crib, fed him, and put him down to play on the floor. He really didn’t want to be alone and cried and cried when I put him down. He spun around and tried desperately to get back into my arms. So I hugged him and cuddled him and kissed him until he noticed all his toys nearby and wanted to play with them. He bowled over at one point, right into a wall. He sounded a little concerned, but didn’t panic or cry. He just lay there on his belly with his face pressed against the wall, waiting for me to come save him.

He played happily and loudly for about two solid hours until I noticed he smelled baaaaad! I went to take him for a diaper change and he just snuggled into my neck and rubbed his eyes. I put my freshly cleaned up boy to bed giggling (literally) and went to get myself some lunch. Leftover salad (with my home honey mustard dressing) and leftover honey chicken on rice. I’m sooo full!

I’m resting so comfortably, taking a load off, and doing a bit more planning for Dekker’s birthday party. Would you make burger and buns from scratch or just buy it all?

mama jeanne

That little Dekker-Boy is such a cuddle-bun. Glad you are having a good day. So glad the house cooled off! Burgers? I’ve done both……..Good either way……..like the homemade better but lots more work………I’ll help if you want to make homemade. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo