Finally!! An Outing!

I used to laugh when people would consider grocery shopping alone a luxury, but I was more than thrilled to get out of the house this evening, even if it was just for a quick trip to Walmart and a little visit with my mom.

I ventured out in the rain and enjoyed my break. Home has been a lot of work, and while good, its tiring. And I miss going out! So I did my Walmart, got my fast food, visited with my mom for longer than I planned to (as usual) and just got home recently 🙂

Underwear count for the day is 5. Fewer accidents, but less pottying in general. Yes, I’m loading him up with fluids as much as he’ll take in. Either way though, he’s not really put off by the toilet anymore, so we’re going to keep rolling with it!

Its pretty obvious that I’m tired, but this is all you’re getting tonight. SO sleepy. But first, you guessed it, a bath! And then to sleep. Rowan has given us two full nights in a row, so let’s keep those coming! With these big days of potty training, you’d better believe we all need lots of sleep!!