Finally! Everyone!

This morning, ALL the school kids went to school!

The three older ones were super happy to walk to school together!

Can I also add in here that Rowan’s braid was probably the most perfect it has ever been??? Ack!

Its backwards day in Kindergarten, in case anyone was wondering. Hahaha!

Good job, me!
Thanks, me!

Shortly thereafter, I was able to take Solomon to preschool! It had been SO long!! He came upstairs, dressed in real clothes, and told me “I look SO wild!!”

Lol! Doesn’t he? 😉 SO wild in his jeans, white shirt, and grey hoodie?

Bring on the time with only one kid at home!

Thank you Cher for always taking pictures 💜 Its a bigger gift than you know.

Nap time! Egg salad wraps, Netflix, and some studying/crocheting with Cher! I hope your afternoon is as nice as mine is going to be!