FINALLY Sitting Down Together

Brady has had this week off, which has been SUCH a treat! I am SO thankful his work has picked up and we’ve been able to catch up a bit from his “hiatus” from employment, buuuuut going to work is also good so one can afford their life. You get it. We shook off the initial fear factor of him having a week off and decided to embrace the opportunity to finally see each other again!

Except that we haven’t! We’ve been GOING every single day this week! Monday and Tuesday were full errand days, and I was gone one of those evenings. Wednesday I was away in the morning and Brady had to duck into work to help with a warranty repair in the afternoon. Thursday had me helping with preschool and Brady getting the winter tires off in the afternoon. Most moments that we anticipated to be “spare” moments got filled up. Its been good, though. VERY productive, and SO helpful to have Brady home! But I think I can safely speak for both of us when I say I wish we could’ve spent a bit more time actually together.

Today was our chance! This morning, he offered to take Dekker to school, and when he got back, we had coffee and turnovers for breakfast, together, in the living room, while the three kids played toys. It was cozy and relaxed and date-ish. It wasn’t without any work, because laundry was humming in the background, and we still had three kids to keep alive, but thats just life, and we love it.

During our coffee date, we realized something we had overlooked that we needed for the weekend, so I threw on some real pants and headed for the city. Just a quick trip in and out, but it was very successful! I’m glad I went, but once again, we were apart. Merp. Thankfully, I came home to my loving husband putting lunch together for us, and we snuggled upstairs, ate, and watched a show together. It was nice and quiet and normal. The kids all napped.

I picked Dekker up from school dressed in capri pants, which felt amaaazing! The fresh air is so welcomed and needed! I hope it sticks around, as promised!! Melt the snow, dry up the huge puddles, and bring on SUMMER!