Fire Pit Fires

We’ve been really enjoying our backyard through this season of life and Covid. Goodness, can you imagine if we didn’t have our basement done when it started?? In winter, when its not even close to as easy to go outside?? We’d have all eaten each other alive! Thankfully, the basement is in good shape and we were able to put up a fence and a shed, throw in a garden, and even secure a swingset and a little trampoline. I’ll admit I’m pretty tired of a teeny tiny rain leaving us with pure mud in the backyard, but we’ll get to grass in the fall, or maybe in Spring, considering our new camper project. We shall see.

The big highlight of the backyard, at least for Brady, Cher, and t, is the fire pit! We are LOVING the fire pit! We regularly go outside in the evenings, just to burn wood. If that sounds silly, hear it from my perspective.

My life is built around function. I don’t remember the last time I made a purchase or spent time on a project that wasn’t directly for function. Function always wins with all of these children, and the fire pit has a function. But its also SO fun to just sit around it, with no agenda other than to watch it burn. Somehow, fires have become my letdown. My frivolous enjoyment. My clear headspace.

How did we live so long without one??