First time in a long time!

You guys were all super helpful on Facebook last night, supporting me and giving me suggestions on how to feel better. For those who missed it, I’ve been experiencing serious lightheadedness and dizziness that turned into a crazy headache yesterday that I couldn’t shake. But the evening helped so much!

We had our soak in the tub, as usual. This is our routine from way back, but it has changed since I got pregnant. If I’m really too dizzy, Brady sometimes dries my legs for me when we get out of the tub, so I don’t have to try and bend down. I know, it sounds strange, but if I’m dizzy and tub is just a little bit too hot, I get sooo dizzy and off-balance. With that, I’ve also been crazy itchy all over since getting pregnant, so Brady lotions up my legs with body butter, and then my belly with cocoa butter lotion, even though I fully expect stretch marks. Then he has a little chat with the baby bump and we usually watch a show or two and hit the sack. So I get pampered pretty well these days. Last night, I had the nerve to ask for a shoulder rub too. I know, seems like overkill, but someone suggested all my head stuff could be tied to a stiff neck. I gave it a little stretch and realized that I could barely touch my chin to my chest. I either had to open my mouth or puff out my chest. So I figured I was pretty tight. Brady gave me a really gentle shoulder/neck rub and I took a coule Tylenol so my muscles would super relax overnight. I slept like a log! I dont even know if I got up to pee. If I did, it was in my sleep. Which is kind of nervey now that I think about it… I hope I didn’t pee in my sleep…

I woke up feeling awesome! I had a few weird dreams in the night so it wasn’t ideal, but I felt rested. And best of all, no headache or dizziness! I could just get up! My mom called and we decided we needed a visit so I did some dishes and fed Dekker until she arrived. We had just a short but long overdue visit. Lunch was boiled eggs and watermelon, which maybe doesn’t sound delicious to you guys, but it was quick and delicious, and the watermelon was the best I’ve picked out in a while! Dekker snacked off our plates the whole time.

Honestly, after she left, I accomplished a whole lot of nothing. Dekker went down for a nap and I watched some YouTube. Even though I felt sooo much better today than I have recently, I still lose my breath sometimes and relaxing is so nice if you can get it! And I can, so I do.

Another happy thing about today was that I realized I have at least one really exciting thing to look forward to every month until our second baby comes! From concerts to trips to birthdays, I’m sooo excited! I know I’m not supposed to wish time away, and I don’t plan to, but this will ensure that my time doesn’t drag, which I really like.

Sooo ready for 2013 to be better than 2012!!!!!