Five Fun Facts from Yesterday

  1. Consuming more coffee than food in a day will never be the right move. It will always leave you feeling gross. Don’t do it. 
  2. Using one of those dish scrubby messy bun things without an elastic underneath is an effective way to have your hair up without getting a headache. Those things are underrated. 
  3. Opening the curtains aaaaall through the house makes a world of difference for everyone’s mood. 
  4. Tylenol absolutely DOES NOT replace Naproxen! Not in my case, anyway. (Bonus idea: Pat yourself on the back when you try something new and it fails hard.) 
  5. It is hard to feel motivated when you can’t act on anything. But it is ok, even healthy, to feel productive and accomplished when your people come around you and get those things done!! 

We’ll talk more about point 5 soon 😁 Have a great, pain-free Sunday, friends!