Five Fun Facts

Today was a completely and utterly lazy day. Dekker got up right before noon and to be honest, I stayed in bed until about 11:30. I had a few solid moments of guilt, thinking that Dekker was probably actually awake but just hanging out, and maybe I should go to him. But then I countered with “How much longer is this going to be an option? Not much longer at all.” So I stayed in bed. It was awesome. When Deks got up, I fed him and he raced to the stairs, so we went to play toys. I figured since he slept in so long, I’d keep him awake longer than usual so he could be good and tired for his nap. We don’t run a tight schedule at all but he is often tuckered out by 2:00, so I was thinking 3:00 would be nice. But by 2:15 he was just plain ticked. I asked if he’d like a snack and he ran over to the stairs and pointed up. So we went upstairs and he waited patiently next to his high chair for me to catch up with him and help him into it. I gave him some crackers, cheese, milk, and a bunch of carrots. I stalled him and read to him the best I could but he was pretty furious only fifteen minutes later. So I changed his bum, took his patch off, and gave him his blanket to hold. Usually, he hugs me and sort of sits on top of my belly if you can picture it, and we have a little cuddle before naptime. But he was just gunning for his bed! So bedtime it was. I went to have a snack myself and watch a few YouTube videos in bed, and dozed off. I love accidental naps 🙂 So I felt nice and refreshed when Brady arrived home with subs. Anyway, this is a very long way of describing a very lazy day. So I thought, since its not much of a story at all, I’d make it a “random fact” post. I should probably let other people decide if they qualify as fun facts…

1. Jerilee was over the other day and uses the word “balls” as an exclamation. Dekker is in a funny mimicking stage and repeated “balls” after her once. We just about died laughing! I forgot about it until today and tried to recreate the fun for Brady. But no. Dekker, when asked to say balls, will only say butts. Weird boy.

2. This pregnancy, I realized that not once did I take advantage of the Starbucks in the hospital I gave birth in. How did I miss that?! With people constantly asking what I needed or wanted, I never thought of Starbucks. However, this time it is on my radar, and not only am I amped about having good coffee at my disposal, but the Pumpkin Spice Latte is in season! Sooo ready to take advantage of that and not feel guilty about it!

3. We’ve been trying to tell Dekker more and more about his baby sister. Lately, when we try and ask him questions about her, he ignores us. And thats fine, I think. Every kid will respond in their own way, and we don’t want to push it. I’m confident he’ll be an amazing big brother once he figures it out. But we know that he knows the answers to our questions. He knows the baby is the same as his sister, and that her name is also the same. Baby is in my tummy, and he comes and gives her kisses. However, this evening, when we asked him where his baby sister is, he rooted through his toys and brought us a phone. I’m sure hoping she doesn’t have a phone in there!!!

4. Mango pop. Guys, this is serious. I was at Superstore the other day and wanted to buy some cans of pop. We don’t drink tons of pop at all but its nice to have on hand for company, Subway date night, and the occasional urge to have some pop! We often get no name or PC pop because its cheaper but real brands were on a nice sale, so I bought our normals – Coke, A&W Root Beer, and Sprite. And then as I was leaving the pop aisle, since three kinds is MORE than enough, I saw PC Mango. And I couldn’t resist!!! I love things like that, and I had definitely never tasted it before. Finally tried it tonight. Nailed it! Its delicious 🙂

5. Lastly and possibly most importantly (although I’m stoked about the mango pop) is that Dekker wanted to be in pictures again today!!! 😀 I’ve been feeling sad that he hasn’t wanted to see himself recently. I talked to my mom about it and she assured me its likely because he sees that he looks a little different than he used to and he’s trying to figure it out. And of course my heart is aching that my little boy thinks he looks funny :'( How could he know that some kids might think that?! He couldn’t, but it would break my heart if he could. Anyway, these are not good quality photos at all, but they count 🙂 And they represent my son being pretty close to back to his old self. Yay Dekker!



Funny face :o
Funny face 😮


I love him. Sooo very much.

Tomorrow is a doctors appointment, so I’ll likely chat about that, and I also have pictures of the finished kids room that I wanted to throw in todays! But c’mon, this post already comes with lovely pictures 🙂 Save some excitement for tomorrow!

Our cookie dough ran out 🙁 What will I snack on in the bath?!?!