Five Months of Waverly

Today marks five months since we brought Wavy girl out of me and into this big, scary world. Lucky for the world, its that much sweeter now that she’s in it. She’s added an amazing warmth and peace to our family. I know she’s still just a baby, but I’ve often said that she has pretty much all the best characteristics from each of our other kids, just all wrapped into one baby! Lucky girly. Lucky family.

I know at least a handful of you have noticed! Wavy has chunked up!! She currently weighs 16 lbs 10 oz!! Thats over two pounds gained in the last month! Yet she’s still SO little! Dekker had outgrown his bucket seat by this point! Wavy will still be in it for a nice while here 🙂 Her hair is getting longer and longer, and while it may not look curly anymore, it is still amazingly curly when its freshly washed! There’s just too much of it and its too heavy, and the curl doesn’t hold. Likely as it gets longer and thicker, it should show a bit more. A big change in her physical appearance this months is her TEETH! Those two bottom teeth are nicely through now. I often go in there and rub them a little, and she giggles like crazy. As they grow further and further above her gums, her whole look will change, so be ready! I always think I’m going to ache and miss their little gummy smiles, and to a degree I do, but I always LOVE that little toothy look too!

Wavy is learning and changing all the time. She’s stronger and happier on her tummy, and even learned how to roll from front to back this month. She is also well on her way to sitting, which is CRAZY! She’s definitely still not ready to do it on her own, but she often goes from sitting to lifting her legs and her head in a desperate attempt to sit up. We’ve started putting her in a bumbo from time to time, which she really likes! I know not everyone is keen on the bumbo, and we only use it for a short stretch of time anyway. Promise. She just really loves being able to see everyone from a sitting position rather than from the floor.

We’ve finally struck a bit of a schedule with Wavy, but I’m pretty sure its only temporary. Since she’s been teething, she sleeps all. Day. Long. I miss her!! But her current schedule is that she sleeps most of the morning, wakes up for lunch and sleeps until supperish. Then we wake her, usually, to force her to have some wakeful time. Once the other kids go down around 7:00pm, we feed her and let her stay up as long as she can, which at this point is about 7:30, lol! And then she goes down. Sometimes, with this particular schedule, she wakes up around 10:00 or so and we can top her up, but usually she’ll wake up once a bit later on, drink, and then sleep until lunch the next day. Moral of the story is that she sleeps WAY too much and I miss her dreadfully. She’s SO sweet.

Praise the Lord for FIVE MONTHS with Waverly!


She asked me to tell you “Thanks for the pictures,” but she didn’t use manners so please disregard her message.


Five months, Wow!! Shes so precious and sweet! Gods answer to everyone’s prayer , for sure!! Love all the pics!!😍💓💕….might just steal some!😁