Four Nappers

I had a couple of things that didn’t really go together that I wanted to talk about today. Then, my kids seemed to implode and there was a LOT of screaming in our late morning. It put me in a bad mood, and I figured it would be hard to gear up to write a nice post. But then I put them all down for a nap. And they fell asleep. Right away. 😮 So that helped! All four children are silent, and I’m stretched out in the recliner, sipping a passion tea lemonade. Its a very nice way to wrap up my morning!

I saw something advertised on Facebook, and followed the link to the Gap website. I saw that my cart had something saved in it, so I clicked on the icon to see what I had apparently previous considered buying. It was a sweet little shorts onesie made of grey sweatpants material. I remembered it. I had hoped to get something like this for our new little summer baby. It would be nice and warm but not too stuffy. Perfect for winter. As per usual, this stirred up all kind of emotions in me. I had a little cry while I did some dishes, and Dekker asked why I was crying. I told him I was sad that our baby had passed away. Laela piped up with “No mommy, the baby died.” I explained to her that “passed away” was another way of saying that he had died. She proceeded to ask me why he died. It brought up a whole conversation about how everyone died at some point, and he just died when he was really really little. We talked about how exciting it was that he was with Jesus, and that since asking Jesus to be in their lives, they’ll get to meet Jesus one day too, and by default, meet the baby. Dekker and Laela fully accepted this answer as truth, and Laela followed up the conversation with “Wow! So essiting! I really like Jesus!” It was a sad but very innocent conversation. If its so easy for them to accept that the baby is with Jesus, it should be easy for me too. I mean, it isn’t easy, but there is hope there, for sure.

One a completely separate note, we have a lot of positives to look forward to! We have four different exciting things coming in the mail in the next little while! We booked a summer holiday! And we’re actually getting a start on our basement this weekend!!! While I wish we’d have gotten started sooner, it just wasn’t possible, and the delay has given us a chance to save up some money, which is good too. But in preparation for this work to be done, we’re trying to get super organized and move as much stuff out of the basement as possible. Guys, we have SO MUCH STUFF!! I WISH it was garage sale season, but frankly, our garage sale day is too far away, and I don’t care to save all of this stuff just in case maybe someone will buy it mid-May. I also don’t care to post a hundred items on a bunch of different buy and sell pages on Facebook or elsewhere online. So I think we’re going to simple donate a big van load of things somewhere. Lots of house things, some baby things we don’t use, lots of vases and jars, wall hangings and decor, etc. I would love to offer it all up to friends and family first but I just don’t know how to do it efficiently, so I guess a mass donation will have to do. That will clear a bunch of stuff out of the basement. Then just to repack the things in the tubs that didn’t survive all of the moves, and we should be at least well organized enough to get a good start on things. Wish us luck, guys!

So the morning was filled with talk about our little baby, and the afternoon has been very quiet and low key so far, but the later afternoon will be full of accomplishing things!! The evening will be filled with the Bachelor, regardless of our upcoming weekend, hahaha! We have to make exceptions for important things 😜 But hopefully we can still make it happen in time! Saturday, frost walls go up, and things are finally rolling! I can’t wait to have a guest bedroom, and a rec room!!!