
After Solly let me sleep in almost until 9:00, I rushed to get the kids up, fed, and out the door. We were at Kims by late morning, and we spent the next several hours playing, eating, watching some tv, and just being together. We haven’t had a playdate since before Solly was born, so it was a long time coming! Thankfully, it went very smoothly. Rowan slept the afternoon away, and Solly spent most of that time snuggling/napping as well. It was really nice. I bought the kids in sweats, so everyone was comfy and relaxed and it was exactly the right kind of playdate. We left shortly before 4:00, and I got ready for the evening.

Kim and I have officially been friends for one year today 🙂 For those who don’t know, we met through a Facebook buy and sell page. Kim was selling some maternity clothes, and I was planning on getting pregnant, haha! So we got in touch, I came for pickup, and we were texting later that day already. It was a very natural progression, and we got very close very fast. One year ago today!

I picked her up just before 6:00, and we went to the local restaurant for supper. We shared onion rings, and then I had pasta while she rocked perogies. We each got an enormous dessert to boot, and of course we both left with TWO to go boxes. Whoops, hahaha!


It was a really lovely day spent with a really good friend <3 Not just anyone would appreciate a heart shaped onion ring as much as I do!

Love you, Kim!! Thanks for clothing my pregnant self, and hanging out with me during one of the most whining-filled years of my life. I’m so lucky to have you!!!